Tectonic Innovations Quake 8-way Impact Grenade Qu8ke
Tectonic Innovations Quake 8-way Impact Grenade Qu8ke
There are currently two models of Tectonic Innovations grenade; the Qu4ke (3 shot + safety) and the Qu8ke (7 Shot+ Safety), giving you the choice between a tactical advantage and all out domination!
The device itself is a simple yet effective design. At the top of the Quake is the stainless steel plunger, which upon impact forces itself into the grenade. This then pushes the toughened firing pin into your .209 primer, which is held in place by the aircraft grade alloy multi-shot base. The stainless steel core is then beautifully presented in an anodised alloy casing. After all, what’s the point of airsoft kit if not to look awesome?
Width 40mm
Shots 7
Safe 1