Specna Arms SA-A02 M4 carbine
The replica was fitted very well – in a way that it was previously observable only in the G&P or Classic Army class replicas. It was also perfectly balanced. This ensures a perfect maneuverability of the replica while as its weight is almost not felt when you place the replica on the shoulder.
The replica uses a quick main spring exchange system, the so-called Enter & Convert™. This allows for a quick and fluent adaptation of the replica’s power to the conditions of the battlefield without the need of having access to a workshop or a number of specialist tools – when you take the gearbox out the replica’s body, the process of exchanging the main spring takes literally seconds.
The set also includes an M90 main spring which allows to decrease the muzzle velocity to about 310 FPS making the replica pereflect for the UK market as the spring is fitted by us before you make your purchase.