The all new Enola gaye M67 ball grenade with wire pull!
Enola Gaye’s history is steeped in the design of tactical fx for the paintball and airsoft games industry; we started off making smoke grenades for paintball and we designed and manufactured the very first bb grenade, now known as the Frag Grenade. Along with our smoke grenades our range of airsoft tactical grenades and fx are changing to meet an every more demanding industry; in the 19 years we’ve been doing this we’ve learnt a lot about noise, fragmentation, speed of explosion in both composition and payload which has led to our best grenade to date.
The new EG67 Frag Grenade will not replace the current BB Field Grenade, but it will offer players the enhanced realism that the current grenade does not. Sure if you are after much more payload then the original Enola Gaye Field BB Grenade will still be your best option, but overall the new EG67 will probably take over. The new grenade has been co-developed with the best airsofters in the UK; it boasts a similar size to the current issue grenade that is used by our military forces and most importantly it uses our Wire Pull ignition.